Friday, February 8, 2013

February is C & D, here is my pick for C

January seemed to move right along; got the books I want to read. And now we come to February so we have C & D authors to pick now. A C author was a bit more difficult to choose, Susan Coopers "The dark is Rising" is definitely worth going back and rereading (even with the part I find rather disappointing, the rest is strong enough that it tips the scale back favorable in its a positive direction.) But again, I have read it already, and I have a few other C authors which I hadn't. My two main candidates were Trudi Canavan and C.J. Cherryh (who for some reason I have only read Sci-fi). After discussing my options with my father (to whom I own my love of reading), Cherryh was the clear leader, not that he didn't say I shouldn't read Canavan, but Cherryh had some excellent fantasy that he knew I would really enjoy. He even specifically mentioned The Tree of Swords and Jewels, and it just so happened to be on my shelf, so my C pick was wrapped up.

For C,  I am reading The Tree with Swords and Jewels  by C.J. Cherryh's ( hey look double C's I think I should get a prize for that)

*And though I haven't picked the book yet, I can tell you my  D author will be Charles De Lint.

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