Friday, February 8, 2013

Pick for B

So for be I was just going to pick something off my shelf. Turns out I wasn't paying much attention when alphabetizing my books and I was led to believe I had only two options for B, Brooks and Bradley, so I decided to read "Magic Kingdom for Sale - Sold! (Landover Series)". I have read it before but it has been a while. However, I was discussing my choice and lack of B's* with someone and they thought of L Frank Baum, which struck my as a wonderful idea, as I had always meant to read more of the Oz books and I I could have sworn I had Ozma of Oz. Turns out I did, it was on my Childern/YA shelves, which I hadn't looked at earlier (and yes it is just coincidence that both A and B picks are classified as such). So I put Brooks back on the shelf and am reading Ozma of Oz by L Frank Baum.

* note: it was just poor book arranging on my shelves as it turns out I had a number of B authers to choose from. Peter S. Beagle would have been my choice had I been paying more attention.

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